Care Thoughts | Barry Berglund
Do people ever provoke you? Sometimes, people provoke me. Sometimes, I provoke my wife, sometimes she provokes me…

Greetings friends,
Do people ever provoke you? Sometimes, people provoke me. Sometimes, I provoke my wife …sometimes she provokes me.
Britannica Dictionary definition of PROVOKE:
1: to cause the occurrence of (a feeling or action): to make (something) happen
▪ His remarks provoked both tears and laughter.
▪ His insults were intended to provoke [=start] a fight.
▪ The results of the election have provoked [=generated] a lot of discussion.
▪ ideas that are likely to provoke [=stimulate] change
2: to cause (a person or animal) to become angry, violent, etc.
▪ He just says those things because he's trying to provoke you.
▪ The animal will not attack unless it is provoked.— sometimes + into
▪ He was provoked into a violent reaction by their taunts.
We are called upon in scripture to provoke one another (as long as we are selective in the version we use).
Hebrews 10:24 (KJV) And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works:
Or, (TLB) In response to all he has done for us, let us outdo each other in being helpful and kind to each other and in doing good.
We are excited by the opportunity to connect with and encourage Saskatchewan PAOC credential holders. We are working through the list so we have been in contact with some of some of you and some of you are still on our to-do list. It has been exciting to hear your stories from 2024 and your initiatives for community engagement for 2025. Not all of the stories of course are happy ones but, we count it a privilege and honour to be able to pray with and for you through the triumphs and tragedies that come your way and applaud your upcoming plans and events.
Depending upon your situation, you may have difficulty finding a safe place to vent your frustrations or a trusted voice for a second opinion, or an accountability partner. I am not saying we are any of those things but, we’re willing to enter into a conversation to see if we could grow toward that kind of relationship.
If you want to connect before we contact you, call, text, email or, if you really want, now that CanadaPost is back, send a letter.
We would love an opportunity to hear how things are going, prayer needs or how we can be of service and encouragement to you and the potential resources available.
We hope to be able to provoke you (in the kindest possible way) soon.
Barry & Stella Berglund
Pastoral Care Coordinators